Nadodrzańskie województwa chcą walczyć o Odrę. Ich przedstawiciele spotkali się w sprawie rzeki. UWAGA !!! Duży Protest Rolników od 20.03.2024r. Ćwiczenia Wojsk NATO W Hołdzie Walczącej Ukrainie PLANOWANE PROTESTY ROLNIKÓW - INFORMACJE Infolinia DUW dla uchodźców z Ukrainy/ Гаряча лінія DUW для біженців з України: +48 71 701 11 00
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English version

Information for customers with reservations to the Director of the Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners or Heads of Departments I and II Legalization of Stay.

We would like to kindly inform you that on visiting days
i.e. Tuesdays and Thursdays to Branch Managers
on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to the Department Director
in matters of legalization of stay and work
only customers with booked visits are served.


Customers without online reservations will not be served !!!


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